Childrens Right to Education in Pakistan

Childrens Right to Education in Pakistan


COVID-19 had badly affected the life’s of children in Pakistan as they are getting less educational opportunities they are at higher risk to falling behind because our education system is not stable due to this pandemic. According to recent report there are almost 22.8 million children’s whose age is from 5 to 6 years are still out of school and our 40% population of Pakistan falls in this age group which shows that it’s a huge percentage of out of school children’s.

COVID-19 had badly affected the life’s of children in Pakistan as they are getting less educational opportunities they are at higher risk to falling behind because our education system is not stable due to this pandemic.

As many countries educational system is affected due to this Corona virus issue Pakistan is also one of them and it has become difficult to ensure the complete provision of education to all children’s in Pakistan. After the amendment in right of education in constitution Pakistan got ranked of second highest out of school children which is a very alarming situation for us.

According to recent report there are almost 22.8 million children’s whose age is from 5 to 6 years are still out of school and our 40% population of Pakistan falls in this age group which shows that it’s a huge percentage of out of school children’s.

Gender based discrimination is very common in our country as well as socio economic status and geographical location also impacts on an education provision. It is clear that that there is a huge difference between public and private sector, private sector tries to ensure the best provision of education but on the other hand private sector is also not able to provide a universal education and achieve this goal successfully.

According to UNDP’s Human Development Report 2019 its is clearly shown that it is not possible to depend on private sector to ensure universal education because they highly charged due to which every child is not able to get education due to their high fees. So, it is affecting the education accessibility of poor students because their level of education is totally different from that of private sector students. It is main cause of increasing discrimination in education among children’s especially girls.

But on another hand, it is also considerable that people are aware of their rights and the trend of getting education is increasing as well. There are a large number of private sector and they are increasing as well. The World Bank has also suggested government to make such foundations in Punjab and Sindh with a purpose to support private sectors to provide education to poor students as well without any discrimination.

Yet private schools are contributing their part in providing education to children very well but government should take initiative to increase the number of public schools as well. Because our large population is not able to bear these high fee-based education systems of these private sectors so they need to overcome these educational disparities by staying at public schools.

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