Colleges in Islamabad to Phase Out 2 Years’ Bachelor Degrees

Colleges in Islamabad to Phase Out 2 Years’ Bachelor Degrees
A total of fifteen colleges in the capital of the country are planning to phase out the two year bachelors and master’s degrees which are offered in both science and arts and will be offering a complete 4 years’ bachelors program to the students who are willing to get themselves admitted in these colleges of Islamabad Capital Territory for this academic year.

The replacement of the two years’ program of bachelors and masters from the colleges is in alignment with the higher education commission plan to completely finish the two year Bachelors program in sciences and humanities and two years’ master’s program in sciences and humanities by the year 2018 and 2020. These are the steps being taken to achieve the mentioned goal.

As per HEC’s resolution no admission will be available for anyone in two years BA or BSc programs by the year 2018 and by the year 2020, the MA and MSc degrees will also be phased out from all the educational institutes. Most of the universities of the nation have already shifted to a standard 4 years’ program normally called BS honors which is equivalent to the 16 years of education which is maintained in all the modern world universities. However, there are still many institutions which are currently offering bachelor’s degrees of two years which makes 14 years of education.

HEC has recently decided to bring the institutions to the international standards and to standardize the process. The two years’ degrees must have to be eliminated from the universities. By streamlining the bachelors and master’s degrees in all the universities will remove the confusion about the number of years of age and the employers will have ease to carry out employment either they are national or international organization hiring the graduates.

These fifteen colleges in the capital territory have now made the committees which will work on the modalities of the subject and will carry out the requirement management to go from two years to four years’ program. This will involve the formation of new syllabuses, board of studies, admission and liasoning etc. These committees are also meeting with the management of Quaid e Azam University QAU for the required affiliation to start the program for students.

The highest authorities of the university have still to give them a heads up to start the program since the junior management of the university has allowed the colleges to start offering these programs but it has to get official yet. We will update you about the official signing and affiliation of the colleges to start the 4 years’ programs.

Another thing came up in one of the meeting which was held at QAU that the colleges must replace the degrees of 2 years’ program with 4 years’ program to avoid any confusion rather than offering both degrees at the same time. The program will be ended at once and those students who want to opt for the 2 years’ program will have no option to do so.

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